本文摘要:The United States, unfortunately and tragically, has seen a surge in COVID-19 infections since early July。Half the states have been setting new daily infection records。 美国的新冠肺炎发病病例自7月初开始大幅度下降,令人泪流满面。一半的州单日追加病例都创了纪录。


The United States, unfortunately and tragically, has seen a surge in COVID-19 infections since early July。Half the states have been setting new daily infection records。


  Let’s put that in perspective。  通过对比看得更加确切。  In China‘s Hubei Province, the former epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, about 68,000 cases have been reported since the beginning of the outbreak。

In America, there are about that many cases in a single day。  在中国湖北省,也就是此前的疫情中心,从疫情频发到现在一共报告了68000个病例。

在美国,一天之内的追加病例就完全有那么多。  It is high time that people in America looked at their attitude toward the pandemic。  一些美国人也是时候反省一下自己对待疫情的态度了。

  Here is a scene from a city council gathering in Florida, where a mask-wearing advisory meeting quickly turned into an anti-mask rally。  大家在视频里看见的是佛罗里达州的一个市议会内的场景。一场关于否配戴口罩的意见征询不会迅速变为了反口罩集会。

  Anti-masker: “You are removing our freedoms and stomping on our constitutional rights by these communist dictatorship orders or laws you want to mandate。”  反口罩者:“你们褫夺了我们的权利,侵犯了宪法彰显我们的权利,你们的拒绝是那些掌权的专制国家才不会作出的命令。

”  Anti-masker: “We are home of the free, land of the brave。This is America, as someone else spoke, this is not Cuba。

We are not in a communist nation。”  反口罩者:“这是权利者的家园,勇敢者的土地。这里是美国,到底,这里不是古巴。

我们又不是共产主义国家。”  Anti-masker: “We will get together and do a citizen’s arrest on every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice, okay? You cannot mandate; you literally cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask knowing that mask is killing people。

”  反口罩者:“我们不会团结起来,被捕你们每一个侵犯我们权利选择权的人,不懂了吗?你们没有权力命令我们,你无法在告诉口罩不会陷害人的情况下还强迫人们戴着口罩。”  I am not sure how wearing masks is killing people, but most medical experts say that a lack of it could。  我不确切戴着口罩怎么会陷害人,但我告诉大多数医学专家指出不戴着口罩有可能病毒感染丧命。  All this shouldn‘t be a surprise given that President Trump himself wore a mask in public for the first time on July 12。

That’s after the country reported over 3 million cases。  这些都不想人车祸,却是特朗普总统本人直到7月12日才第一次在公共场所戴着上口罩。此举是在美国发病病例多达300万之后。

  While some folks took issue with masks, others had an issue with the government lockdown orders。Listen to these vacation-goers on Miami Beach。  Vacationer in Miami: “It’s really messing up with my spring break。

What is there to do here other than go to bars or the beach。”  迈阿密的度假者: “这感叹被打乱了我的春假。休假不去酒吧或海滩还能干吗呢?”  Vacationer in Miami: “I mean it sucks but we are going to make the best of it。”  迈阿密的度假者: “我想要说道这很差劲,但是我们还是不会充份苦中作乐的。


”  Vacationer in Miami: “If I get corona, I get corona。At the end of the day, I am not going to let it stop me from partying。

”  迈阿密的度假者: “我要是得了新的硕大那就得了呗。我今天杀了也没人。

我可会让病毒推开我去参与舞会。”  Coinciding with this insistence on personal freedom is a spike in cases。  当这些人执着个人权利的时候,病例却在攀升。

  On July 12, Florida broke the record for most new coronavirus cases in a day in the U.S。, even surpassing New York during its height in April。And on July 14, Florida broke its record for most deaths in a single day。

Florida now accounts for a quarter of new daily cases in America。  7月12日,佛罗里达州刷新了美国各州单日追加病例数的记录,甚至比纽约州4月份疫情最相当严重时的单日追加还要多。7月14日,佛罗里达州的单日丧生人数也超过新纪录。


目前,佛罗里达州日追加病例数占到全美的四分之一。  In contrast with some Americans’ resentment toward government lockdown orders and mask-wearing guidelines, our colleague at CNN documented a typical day in China。  为了对比中美两国民众对封城和戴口罩的违背,一位美国有线电视新闻网记者记录下了普通中国民众的一天。  David Culver , CNN Beijing correspondent: “A weekday morning rush-hour, walk with us through the streets of Beijing。

Look to my right, my left, behind me and even headed right toward me。You notice just about every commuter wearing a face mask。  In China, from passengers boarding trains and planes to those with shorter commutes – riding scooters, or hopping on the metro rail, masks are on。

  Step into a local shopping mall with us and it’s a temperature check first and another check of the health code。“  CNN公使记者 David Culver :“现在是工作日早上的交通高峰时间,追随我们的镜头一起到北京的街头走走。想到我的左边、右边、后面还有正前方,你不会找到完全每一个路人都戴着口罩。在中国,从火车和飞机乘客,到短途旅行者、骑着电动车的人和坐地铁的人,所有人都戴着口罩。

现在请求随我们走出一家购物商场,首先要展开体温测量,然后再行检查一下身体健康码。”  I don‘t want to make pandemic control a political contest, but the reality is that in China, during the height of the pandemic, and even now, the majority of people wore a mask, obeyed government lockdown orders, and gave up some of their personal freedom。It’s tough, but people persevered。

And as a result, COVID-19 is now largely under control, and people are better able to enjoy their freedom。  我并想把抗疫看作一场政治比赛。但事实是,在中国,在疫情最相当严重的时候,甚至直到现在,大多数人都还戴着口罩,遵从政府的隔绝限令,而且退出了不少个人权利。

这并不更容易,但大家共克时艰。疫情到目前早已基本被掌控,人们也能更佳地享用个人权利。  Many observers believe the cultural attitude of persevering now to enjoy later, respecting authority and sacrificing personal freedom for the greater good is common in Asian cultures。

It‘s true that this culture doesn’t work in all circumstances, but in the case of curbing the virus, it‘s believed to be the key for countries like South Korea, Japan, Singapore and China to emerge from the pandemic more quickly。  通过疫情,很多仔细观察人士看见了亚洲人的文化态度,比如先苦后甜,比如认同权威,比如为集体利益壮烈牺牲个人权利。到底,这种文化并不是万能的,但在此次抗疫行动中,它被证明是韩国、日本、新加坡和中国等亚洲国家较慢掌控寄居疫情的关键。

  That said, the Trump administration‘s failure to deal with the pandemic is apparent, and even as cases surge, its politicization of the virus hasn’t stopped。  尽管如此,在政府层面,特朗普白宫在抗疫上的告终也是有目共睹的。在病例攀升的今天,他仍在大大将病毒政治化。  Trump sidelined the country‘s top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, who reportedly no longer briefs the president and who himself said he hasn’t met the president since June 2。


  In addition, re-opening the economy has become more of a political calculation than a public health concern, especially in the swing states。Many Republican incumbents, fearful of an economic slowdown affecting their re-election chances, called for a quick re-opening, while many Democrats cautioned against it。  此外,重新启动经济看起来一场政治斗争,而非公共卫生决策,特别是在是在摆动州。由于担忧经济上升不会影响参选前景,很多在任的共和党政客都敦促尽早重新启动经济,而大多数民主党人回应所持赞成意见。

  While at it, Trump has pulled the U.S。out of the World Health Organization and continues to hold rallies across the country to blame China for America‘s pandemic, which he calls the “Kung Flu。”  此外,特朗普还率领美国解散世卫的组织,并大大在全国各地举办集会,谴责中国造成了美国当下的新冠疫情,即他所谓的“功夫流感”。

